Very Important: Your customer will most likely buy in accord with where they’re at in their Customer Relationship with you.
The Customer Relationship is measured by an individual’s progression through your Marketing Funnel. For instance, when an individual first becomes a lead, the customer relationship with you is brand new. You can liken this Customer Relationship to dating.
Are you most likely to find success on a first date when you ask them to coffee or ask them to dinner?
Probably coffee.
Most businesses will ignore their current Customer Relationship with the new customer, and just push their services and products, then wonder why their conversion rates are in the toilet.
Instead, you’re better off presenting a low-priced service or product to kick off your brand new Customer Relationship.
Therefore, the Sequence is to offer them a low-priced product or service and move up to higher-priced product or services as they progress through your Marketing Funnel.
More sales is a natural progression.
As long as your Marketing Funnel is built at the beginning with the Customer Relationship in mind.
The more your customer buys, assuming they continue to have great experiences with your services or products, the Customer Relationship will naturally grow, strengthen.
They’ll ultimately trust you and buy more of your offers.
When you ignore the Customer Relationship and offer a high-priced service or product when you should be offering a low-priced service or product, then your conversion rates will suffer.
Again, the Sequence in which you offer your product or service is critical to sales success. You want your leads to get to know you, how you deliver your services, so you offer a lower priced service or product.
This idea of moving your customers from low-to-high priced services or products is extremely critical to maximizing your marketing funnels’ ability to convert your leads to sales.
Warning: When you break this “sequence rule” then expect your “conversion rates” to plummet, like a rock, sinking to the bottom of a murky lake.
A Marketing Funnel gives you leverage… when you create a marketing funnel, your sales aren’t random anymore… they’re organized and sequential.
It allows you to sell, not just one-to-one but one-to-many.
A Marketing Funnel’s very nature is leverage. The sheer amount of people you can sell to at a given time is incredible.
You can reach thousands of prospects with a push of the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
I’d rather use systems designed to root out prospects and presell my product or services for me, so by the time the prospect is in front of me, 80-90% of the work has been done.
How about you?
Deploy a marketing funnel in your business today, so your sales are effortless.
Recap: Develop your Service or Product Assets, the raw materials of your Marketing Funnel. Present your service offerings in a sequence from free, to low and then high price services or products.
To discover why NOT having your sales and marketing systematized and automated leads to FAILURE get my free report, “How to Make Your Sales Effortless, Both Online and Offline, With An Autopilot, Lead Generation, Sales and Follow Up Machine” here.