Hi, I’m Eric Dahl, CEO and owner of Dahl Integration Marketing. Today I want to talk to you about a real important topic. This topic is really dear to my heart because I always get the question:
“How can I learn about marketing?”
Unfortunately for entrepreneurs, there’s really not a better place to learn how to market but the school of hard knocks. Before I jump into it, let me just tell you a little about my background, how I discovered Integrated Digital Marketing.
Integrated Digital Marketing
What is it? Really, it’s the integration of all the 21st century tools that we have at our disposal like Email Marketing, Video Marketing, Landing Pages, Squeeze Pages and Search Engine Optimization.
Yes, it’s a very broad topic that’ll help supercharge our sales and marketing efforts. That’s why we call it Integrated Digital Marketing. There’s really no text book for this. There are no classes you can take. There’s no degree you can take to learn these skills.
It’s a very specialized and expert skill set.
Just to give you some of my background. I went to the University of Oregon, which is a great school. In fact, at the time, it was one of the best business schools in the Northwest.
So, I went through the process of getting my degree with the goal of becoming my own man, have my own business. Just like a lot of you out there, I wanted to be free to pursue what I wanted to pursue.
At the time I wanted to go into comic books. Yes, I wanted to publish my own comic books. That was my motivation to begin with. What happened, unfortunately, after getting this degree and feeling like I understood business…
… I went out there and lo’ and behold found I knew nothing. In fact, fell on my face a couple of times trying to learn and understand how to get my name out there, how to promote. And it was very much a struggle for a long time.
That’s really the process that we all go through as entrepreneurs. Society tells us to get a degree if we want to learn how to do business. What I found was everything I learned in business school really became obsolete the moment I got out there.
Things are just changing so…so… fast with technology, with various Digital Marketing strategies. It’s amazing how fast things move.
How can you learn the skill set of implementing Integrated Digital Marketing in your business to get the word out there, to promote your business? What can you do?
The advice that I can offer you, right now, knowing what I know now, is don’t delay. Actually get out there and start providing a service or product. If you don’t have the product or service yourself, go find someone else that has one and sell it for them.
Just going through the process of getting out there and actually selling something will give you real world experience of what business is all about.
You have to understand the process, and unfortunately, again, you cannot learn that in school.
You have to take your book knowledge and mix it with the experiential knowledge, which is actually going out there and promoting a product or service.
When I started, I actually started out selling insurance. I was going door-to-door as an insurance agent, which is very, very tough, did that for a year with 100% commission.
Later I started a business with my friend. Those skills I picked up going door-to-door, is the reason why we went from zero to 1.3 million and 12 employees in less than five years.
A lot of it was just having that skill that I picked up really on the grind, selling, selling and selling.
Not only did I learn how to sell but I had to learn how to market. I understood that using technology in my sales process would help me be more successful at selling my service.
I started to go out there and explore, examine and find out how I could market myself. It took years for the knowledge to sink in, before I actually started to implement.
That’s where we come in at Dahl Integration Marketing. What we’ve done is take all these years of experience and developed a really strong team. We’ve been able to come together, really take all this marketing knowledge and actually help businesses.
We help our clients get more out of their marketing, increase the lifetime value of their customer, which makes them more profitable. I encourage you to look for people.
Look for the expertise to help you get there. Again, it takes years. You’re not going to find it in the classroom setting, get the experience you need now.
We offer a one-time $7 Marketing Consultation. I can’t obviously promise you the moon that you’re going to learn everything about marketing in 60 minutes.
But what will happen is, during the consultation, with me or one of my hand-picked representatives, you’ll at least understand the process of marketing, especially Integrated Digital Marketing.
You’ll understand the process, the strategy. Then you can actually take this information and implement. I really want to encourage you to implement what you learn as fast as you can.
I’ve found there’s no better use of your time than learning how to market your business. I’m Eric Dahl with Dahl Integration Marketing. Thank you for tuning in today.