Hello! My name is Ed Waggoner with Empire Property Management. We’ve been managing residential property in Lane County for eighteen years now. I’m just giving a little talk about our company and how we started, just as a warm up here. We started off small, just a few properties.
And we’ve built our company up to a medium size management company, at this point. We’ve tried every kind of advertising there is, trying to bring in customers and build our company such as:
• Networking
• Chamber of Commerce
• Radio
• Magazines
• Newspapers
Basically, every kind of approach that’s normal for a business of our type to try, we’ve tried it. And we’ve had very limited success with each of those kinds of advertising because we’ve never had a system to really capture the momentum that each of those kinds of advertising brings.
I’m here to say that Dahl integration Marketing’s Funnel Vision Method is essential for my company because every form of advertising that we use now, we don’t just gain market awareness…
… but we actually capture those leads and are more capable of bringing those leads into our system. And eventually they become customers. In the past, they come in and they bounce right back out.
We had no way of maintaining their attention through the whole buying process. So now with the Funnel Vision Method, once you build it, it’s almost on autopilot. We don’t really have to think it through. All the thinking was done before.
The leads are just led through the system until they’re customers. It’s a beautiful thing. I highly recommend it to anybody who has been floundering around in business. Whether you’re selling a product or a service…
…you can’t just build an advertising campaign.
When you go to the radio station they’re going to sell you radio ads. They’ll tell you how many people you’re going to reach. You go to a magazine, they’re going to tell you what their distribution is and how many people are going to see your ad.
But you really have to have away of capturing that lead and turning them into a customer. New businesses always put the cart before the horse. I know I did the same thing.
I started advertising because the first thing we all want to do is start bringing in customers. But it’s really backwards because you need to bring in the marketing and funnel vision system first and then do your advertising.
It took me 18 years and by chance I ran into Eric. I’m very fortunate for the help he’s brought into our company. So again, I highly recommend the Funnel Vision Method as an essential part of marketing your business.