In today’s article, we’ll cover why now is the right time to build an email list for effortless business growth. Last article we covered Article Marketing: Why NOW Is the Right Time to Get Serious About It. If you missed it, please click here to catch up. 

You can talk to any business professional that’s successfully marketing and advertising online…

…99% of them will describe their e-mail list as the single most important part of their online strategy.

If you’re not focusing on how to build an email list right now…

… then chances are you’re relying solely on your website or blog to communicate with your website visitors.

If you don’t build an email list right now, consider your own web usage.

How many websites are there really, that you visit on a regular basis? Not counting Facebook or Google, what blogs are you likely to visit more than once a month? For the vast majority of us the number is 2-5 websites a month.

If you’re an avid reader you might visit 10 blogs on a regular basis. More than that, it gets hard to keep up with the content. Now think about how many sites you’ve visited generally in your lifetime … it’s probably a number that spans into the millions.

Suddenly the odds of getting a regular readership on your blog seems daunting, doesn’t it?

And those other blogs you’re going up against likely have much greater ad budgets and other resources. They, too, work hard to keep their visitors coming back for more. This is a serious situation because in order to develop trust and get customers you need regular readers.

It’s very unlikely you’re going to make conversions on first-time visitors: that’s just not how content marketing works.

Content marketing works by gradually building trust and brand awareness of individual readers over time.

When you become an individual’s ‘trusted authority’ within your specific niche or industry…

…only then will they become open enough to buying your products or services.

Since you have to build this relationship with your audience, which does take time. And since individuals are not likely to visit your website again…

…What you need then, to facilitate this relationship with your audience, is to build an email list.

While you most likely won’t be able to convince a first-time visitor to buy your products…

… what you can probably do is convince them to subscribe to your e-mail list.

This takes some skill (which we’ll come to) but it’s definitely possible to convince someone to part with their e-mail address immediately. Then, as soon as you’ve accomplished this, you’ll have their ear and you’ll be able to market to them repeatedly over time.

Now you don’t need to wait for someone to remember you: you’ll be able to contact them right in their email inbox. If you use compelling subject lines then you stand a good chance of influencing them to read your emails.

This will help you to ultimately build an email list of regular readership generating the trust and authority every business so badly needs.

And further helping you in this cause is the simple fact your visitors signed up for this. That is: they actively agreed to receive communication from you. And that makes for a very big psychological difference. Why would they sign up and then not look at even one of your emails?

When You Build An Email List You Future Proof Your Business

To build an email list then, is an incredibly powerful strategy from a content-marketing standpoint. But it’s also very important for your company’s security. ‘Security’ in a business sense means the ability of a company to withstand adversity and changing markets.

Furthermore, security means not dependent on anyone marketing technique. For instance, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a highly powerful tool when used correctly. SEO can help you to attract thousands of visitors to your site every day for a very small up-front investment of time and cash.

At the same time though, it is a huge mistake to rely one hundred percent on SEO.

In the recent past, Google introduced big ‘algorithm changes’ called ‘Penguin’ and ‘Panda’. Effectively, these changes shook up many businesses relying on the old Google algorithm.

Unfortunately, when you don’t have security in your marketing and advertising…

… your business can go bankrupt overnight like many of these businesses did.

Thankfully, companies that generated traffic from both social media and SEO managed to survive this big change.

Sure, they still suffered when their sales were cut in half but they had enough time to rebound…

…the others didn’t.

This is why it’s so important to diversify your marketing and advertising. Ultimately, when you build an email list, you gain stability and control. Google changes its algorithms all the time and let’s face it, Facebook could go down tomorrow (though it’s unlikely).

Email though?

That’s highly unlikely to go anywhere any time soon. If you build an email list with a few thousand addresses on it…

… then you’ll have a few thousand potential customers no matter what happens to the rest of the web.

This is very savvy future proofing. Later, you’ll discover exactly how to monetize your email list, earning sales revenue from your emails directly. In other words, if you get this right then you’ll hardly even need your website anymore!

Email Statistics

If you’re still not clear about the critical importance email plays in the growth of your business

… then just consider some of these impressive statistics absolutely proving the power of e-mail lists:

  • E-mail marketing has a ROI of 4,300% – Okay, so it’s unclear how anyone would have calculated this but that’s the most popular estimate. The point is: e-mail marketing is incredibly cheap and just as effective (if not more so) than many other more expensive means of marketing.
  • 91% of consumers check their e-mail at least once a day. And let’s face it, for the vast majority of us it’s practically an addiction to check every five minutes (smart phones put your email inbox at your fingertips) …
  • Companies rate e-mail marketing as being more profitable than PPC advertising, content marketing, direct marketing, affiliate marketing, banner ads, mobile ads or social media marketing
  • 66% of US consumers aged 15 and up have made a purchase as a direct result of an e-mail campaign
  • And just in case you think it’s impossible to get people to read your e-mails, note that 1/3rd of consumers open e-mails based on their subject lines alone

build an email listRight Click the Image to Save

Hopefully, by now you’re convinced that an e-mail list is one of the most effective…

… and powerful ways to market a business online and to gain loyal customers.

What’s left then, is figuring out how to build one and how to start making money from it! Next article we’ll cover how to quickly and easily get started with e-mail list building guaranteed to grow your business.

And if you’re enjoying the content so far and you’d like to take the guesswork out of growing your business online, then click here to get the ultimate shortcut.

About the Author

Eric Dahl is the owner of Dahl Integration Marketing. Author of the Funnel Vision Method™ and Creator of the Funnel Vision Method Masterclass™. He’s also a World-class Sales Professional, Digital Marketer Certified Funnel Expert, Automated Marketing System and Funnel specialist.

He created Dahl Integration Marketing, LLC to help Entrepreneurs world-wide get leads, clients, patients and referrals systematically. So they can finally realize their dream incomes predictably… without the costly guesswork and technical challenges.

For more information about the Funnel Vision Method and how you can implement it to grow your business easier and faster visit



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