In today’s article we’ll continue with Article Marketing because content is KING online. So far, in recent articles, we’ve covered 3 types of Internet Marketing: Video Marketing (click here to learn more) and Email Marketing (click here to learn more). 
This viral marketing tactic is all about writing. Or hiring freelance writers to write articles that promote your business, products and services.
These articles are keyword-centric. Keyword-centric means articles have specific keywords or phrases designed to attract your audience.
PRO TIP: A resource box needs to be added if you quote lines or phrases from existing posts online. If you’re deploying article writing as a marketing strategy in your business, hoping to extract monetary gain from it…
… you need to understand that your success with this strategy relies heavily on your consistency. Google and other search engines love content so if you’re consistently writing articles on your blog that’ll help with your search engine rankings overtime. 
You might be asking what I consider consistent? Well, shoot for an article a day or once per week.
In order to be profitable with Article Marketing it’s helpful for you to understand the VCP formula.  Dr. Ivan Misner, the founder of Business Network International, discovered the VCP Formula. This formula states:
The more visibility you have…

…the more credibility you have…

…then the more profitability your business will have: V=C=P

Personally, I like writing articles as a means to develop rapore with my audience. If I give you value I’m showcasing my expertise. And the by-product of showcasing my expertise is more visibility.

It also gives me a means to stay in touch with my subscribers and be discovered by new prospects without sounding like another annoying door-to-door salesman!

Yes, I’ve been that annoying salesman. And I don’t like it because, I know for a fact, it pisses off my prospects!

At the end of the day, people want to work with those that are actually experts. The very act of writing articles and sharing those articles will eventually lead to greater levels of profitability for your business.
Real experts actually provide information that solves problems your prospects are wrestling with right now!

That’s right, the only way to demonstrate your expertise is to actually share your knowledge with your audience. There’s no shortcut or push button riches.

I look at SEO as a byproduct of releasing consistent content but I don’t believe that’s the end goal. The end goal is to provide more value than anyone else in your market so you can capture a significant piece of the pie.

Content is digital currency online.

Content is how we express value online.

It’s no secret that the greatest brands and figures on the Internet right now…

… pump out epic amounts of content every day.

For instance, take a look at Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, Gary Vee and Billy Gene. These brands are juggernauts! They release quadruple the content their competitors do, at any given time.

It’s by design that they produce the most content and spend more on advertising than anyone else in their space…

Again, visibility equals credibility which equals profitability…

…and these guys are visible!

And I believe they’ve made themselves rich, largely because of this.

Here are a couple quick tips to help you kick off your Article Marketing campaign:

1. Stay consistent. Model your favorite television channel and release content on an editorial schedule and then promote your content with advertising

2. Retargeting is your friend. Create content on schedule and drive traffic to your articles, especially your blog, here you can retarget visitors to your content and follow up with either more content or actual offers to monetize them

3. Hire writers to free you up. Once you establish your editorial calendar and you’re seeing actual dollars flowing in from your articles, hire some writers to help you keep the momentum going

4. Use content to further your sales efforts. When you follow up using content you come across as an expert, not desperate for a sale

5. Distribute your content. I’m a big believer in content syndication which means you can take one article and turn it into a video, a podcast, a pdf, and a PowerPoint thereby creating multiple assets to drive traffic back to your blog.

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The last 3 articles we’ve covered the 3 types of Internet Marketing including Video, Email and Article Marketing.

Now you should start to see, how all three, work together to drive traffic that actually converts into sales.

In conclusion, the last several articles I’ve given you an overview of Internet Marketing so you have a better understanding of what you’re getting into and how to be successful with it.
Moving forward, I want to explore, arguably, the most critical skillset that’ll make or break your online business…

…list building.

Don’t go anywhere because we’re about to get serious. Stay tuned.

If you’re enjoying the content so far and you’d like to take the guesswork out of growing your business online, then click here to get the ultimate shortcut.

About the Author

Eric Dahl is the owner of Dahl Integration Marketing, Author of the Funnel Vision Method™ and Creator of the Funnel Vision Method Masterclass™. He’s also a World-class Sales Professional, Digital Marketer Certified Funnel Expert, Automated Marketing System and Funnel specialist.

He created Dahl Integration Marketing, LLC to help Entrepreneurs world-wide get leads, clients, patients and referrals systematically so they can finally realize their dream incomes predictably… without the costly guesswork and technical challenges.

For more information about the Funnel Vision Method and how you can implement it to grow your business easier and faster visit

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