Hi! I’m Eric Dahl. Great to have you here!

Let me take a couple of minutes and tell you my story so we’re not strangers anymore:

My story starts in 1991, when I was 10 years old living in Monrovia, Liberia with my family.

We were evacuated from Liberia when a furious and bloody civil war, that had been brewing for months, finally broke out.

All of my mother’s family is still there, they were forced to live through that bloody Civil War. 

(From left to right: Me, Grandma, Cousin 1, Cousin 2, Sister, Cousin 3 – standing, Brother (sitting), Cousin 4)

My mom had to leave her parents, 12 siblings and countless other family members and friends … behind.

I learned that TIME is something finite. We can never get it back! And I lost a whole life time away from my family and friends in Liberia. I’ll never get that time back.

I realized at an early age there’s no way to reverse the hands of time…

…When its gone, its gone.

That’s why it’s so important that we cherish our time with friends, family and even our passions!

Fast forward years later, I was again forced to learn this lesson about TIME, after I graduated from the University of Oregon and began pursuing my Olympic dreams.

I made the Liberian watch list for the 100-meter dash and realized that a normal 9-5 job wasn’t going to cut it for me.

I needed a job that would work around my busy track schedule.

Then, one of my best friends approached me about launching an IT business.

We agreed that I’d be responsible for sales and marketing.

This way I had a flexible schedule that could work around my grueling training regimen.

Fast forward a couple years later, I single-handedly, since I was the only sales professional or marketer in the business, sold over a million dollars in IT services and other related products.

Of course, I can’t take all the credit, we had great technicians that delivered on my promises.

The business was successful but, in the summer of 2012, I suffered a massive hamstring injury that caused me to drop out of my Olympic pursuit!

It was a traumatic experience for me. Imagine, I spent all these years of my life, sacrificed job opportunities and relationships to pursue this dream…

… only to fail!

I felt lost, betrayed by the heavens, sad that I didn’t accomplish my destiny and now…

… what was I to do with my life, if not run?

But then inspiration struck.

I thought, “if only I had more TIME to train.”

“If it wasn’t for all that TIME, I lost prospecting and selling … I believe I would have made the Olympics!

“I was a part-time athlete not a full-time one. Imagine what I would have accomplished if I were able to dedicate the TIME, rest and focus that some of my competitors were able to do?”

The next thought that crossed my mind:

“I have to find a solution to business growth that didn’t rob me of my TIME and resources. An easier and more efficient way so my business worked for me, not the other way around!”

In the summer of 2013, after I had experimented with all kinds of different marketing and sales strategies, with the single goal of automating and delegating my marketing and sales work … I did!

Not only had I successfully reduced my time working from 40 hours a week to 5 hours a week, my closing ratio went from 2/5 (40%) to 4/5 (80%) prospects!

In wake of this breakthrough, late 2014, I decided to leave the IT company and start my own business so I could help other business owners make their business growth easier…

… while still having the time to enjoy family, friends and passions, too.

But that was just the start. As I started taking on more clients a common and unforeseen pattern began to emerge…

…originally, I thought that business growth relied on more leads and customers coming through the door, like a stampede.

However, I learned first-hand that this wasn’t the case.

Instead, I discovered, in-order to have both sustainable and scalable business growth…

… a business ALSO has to hire and train great employees, otherwise business growth comes to a halt!

Once I solved this challenge for my clients, something spectacular happened…

…my clients started reporting that they were, on average, reducing the time spent working on their businesses by over 50%!

What’s more, they weren’t just going on 2-week vacations anymore, they stopped showing up at the office altogether…

…And their businesses kept growing and reaching even higher levels of success without my clients even having to work!

These were results that blew my mind on what was possible for my clients!

And now, I don’t just help business owners like you get leads and sales…

but I help you build INDEPENDENT businesses that grow without you…not a job!

A true business. An ASSET. That gives YOU options to sell, pass on to family or simply collect checks because…

…YOU now have the freedom to travel, pursue YOUR passions and spend time YOUR way!

I took all these results and I systematized them into a high-level training I’ve coined…

…the Funnel Vision Method: How to Grow Your Business Easier Leveraging Marketing Funnels and Systems So You Have an Independent Business That Grows Without You … Not A Job.

Click here to learn more about this ground-breaking program.

I’m looking forward to learning more about you and your business,

Eric Dahl, Creator of the Funnel Vision Method